Frequently Asked Questions

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What is is a sustainable hotel booking platform that features hotels that do good. The platform aims to provide travelers with an easy way to find hotels that prioritize sustainability while still enjoying their stay.

How are hotels selected for the platform?

We select hotels for the platform based on our Impact Criteria and classify them into 3 Purpose Categories: Sustainability and Environment, Community Impact, and Diversity and Inclusion. We also ask you for feedback based on your personal experience.

Do all hotels on the platform make a positive impact?

Yes! We only showcase hotels that make a positive impact based on strict criteria related to Environmental Sustainability, Community Impact, and Diversity and Inclusion. Hotels that don't meet our standards are asked to improve before they can appear in search results

How many hotels does the platform have?

At the moment, we feature over 500 hotels in Europe and Latin America that are all making a positive impact. Our network is growing, and we are expanding to include other regions soon.

Are hotels on the platform expensive?

No! We partner with a variety of hotels that range from budget-friendly to eco-luxurious. Our platform does not elevate the prices of these partner hotels.

Can I recommend a hotel for the platform?

Sure. Please fill out the form on our feedback page with the hotel's name, location, and any other relevant information, along with your personal experience if you have any. Our team will review your recommendation and get back to you in 24-48 hours.

So, how can I start using the website?

You can use the website like you would any other hotel booking engine. The only difference is that every hotel that appears in our search results is guaranteed to be a hotel with a positive impact.

Is available in multiple languages?

Yes! is currently available in English and Spanish. You can select your preferred language in the menu. Other languages will follow soon.

How can I contact if I have questions or concerns?

You can contact us through email at [email protected] or by using our support form. We respond within 24 hours and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Can I cancel or modify my booking through

The cancellation and modification policy for bookings made through may vary depending on the rate that you booked. For most hotels, we offer both fully-refundable rates and non-refundable rates. If you book a non-refundable rate, it's important to note that modifications or cancellations may not be possible. However, non-refundable rates usually come at a cheaper price. It's important to carefully review the terms and conditions of your booking before making a reservation, as non-refundable bookings are truly non-refundable.

What should I do if I experience any issues with my booking?

If you encounter any issues with your booking, we recommend first contacting the hotel directly. You can find the hotel's contact details in your booking confirmation email. Many issues can often be resolved quickly and efficiently by communicating directly with the hotel. If you need further assistance, you can also contact us through our website or via WhatsApp, and we'll be happy to assist you in any way we can.

How can I contact

If you have any questions or concerns about your booking or the services provided by, there are several ways to get in touch with us. You can easily contact us through our website, where you'll find a contact form that you can fill out and submit. Alternatively, you can send us a message via WhatsApp, and we'll be happy to assist you in any way we can. We strive to provide excellent customer service, and we'll do our best to resolve any issues or concerns you may have in a timely and efficient manner.

How can I delete my account and all data?

Login to your account and go to your profile, at the bottom you can delete your account.

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